Meet your Data Double in Augmented Reality

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Augmented Reality, Quantified Self, Data physicalization, UX/UI, Research

2022 and 2023

Arena is an AR application that revolutionizes personal data exploration. By integrating data physicalization, visualization, and sonification, the app creates an immersive augmented diary experience. Users can gather qualitative and quantitative data, enhancing their journaling practice and redefining the significance of self-tracking.

The thesis work revolves around a leading question: what does a unifying data and information experience look like?


In the post-Covid era the discussion around personal data for contact tracing apps has become relevant once more. Personal data gathered during self-tracking are relevant assets that can describe and represent the person who produces them.

Materializing Data

It can be difficult to get in touch with our digital self made of data (Digital Doppelgänger)to understand it better. Data physicalization, data visualization, and data sonification come to rescue and provide a way to perceive personal data with human senses.

The immersive experience unfolds in Augmented Reality, where simulations blur the boundaries between the virtual and physical worlds, surpassing the limitations of static objects and allowing for dynamic and lifelike interactions.

The resulting app presents an immersive data experience that invites users to express their dreams, feelings thoughts as permanent augmented reality objects. This data diary can be navigated in 3D as each creation is geo-localized in space and visitable at any moment.


Each question asked to the user is linked to a property of the related object. To achieve this data-object system, Unity 3D was employed. The tight connection between objects and data is handled by different scripts that instantiate a new object. This will move, behave, interact and sound different according to the answers provided previously.

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